The quieter you become
the more you can hear.
Code of Conduct
As a coach, teacher, trainer, and facilitator, I am committed to:
1) Conducting myself in accordance with this code in all interactions, including online, one-on-one and one-to-many interactions.
2) Refraining from any unlawful discrimination in any activities I take as a coach, including race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or national affiliation or any disability.
3) Ensuring any verbal and written statements with regards to the services I offer are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and my ability (see Terms & Conditions).
4) Accurately identifying my qualifications, expertise, experience, training, certifications, and credentials.
5) Making a point to recognize and refer to any contributions of others and will only claim the rights of ownership of my own material.
6) Striving at all times to recognize any conflict that may arise from my own difficulties that could affect my coaching performance or my professional relationships. If such a situation arises, I will immediately seek appropriate help to determine any necessary action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate any coaching arrangement which is affected as such.
7) Ensuring I maintain and store any records created during my work as a coach, trainer or facilitator (including electronic files and communications) in a manner that ensures confidentiality and privacy. I will further ensure that any disposal of such records is done in a secure and manner and complies with any applicable laws.
8) Seeking to be aware of any conflict or potential conflict of interest in any of my work and openly disclose any such conflict to all relevant stakeholders. Should such a conflict arise, I will immediately offer to remove myself from the arrangement. I will also set clear boundaries with any other stakeholders whereat conflicts of interest may emerge.
9) Fully disclosing to my client and any sponsor of a client any potential compensation from third parties.
10) Ensuring that all my communication with clients, prospective clients or sponsors is true as best known to me with regards to the stated value of the work I offer
11) In any coaching arrangement to be discussed, carefully explaining to any potential coaching clients and/or sponsors the nature of my coaching and/or training work, the manner through which I ensure confidentiality, any intended financial arrangements and/or other terms of the agreement that are relevant and need to be clear upfront.
12) Preparing a clear coaching/training agreement with any clients and/or sponsors before beginning the coaching relationship and honour this agreement.
13) Taking full responsibility for being setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries for any interactions, physical or otherwise, I may have with my clients or sponsors.
14) Avoiding any romantic or sexual relationships with clients or sponsor.
15) Respecting the client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, subject to the provisions of our agreement.
16) Should I deem the client or sponsor would be better served by another coach or by another resource, I commit to encouraging the client or sponsor to make a change and suggest they seek other professionals when deemed necessary or appropriate.
17) I will at all times maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor’s information unless any details in such information are required by law to be reported.
18) When acting as a coach or trainer, offering a clear agreement about the conditions under which confidentiality will be maintained and make sure both client and sponsor, knowingly agree in writing to that limit of confidentiality.
19) Committing to continue the ongoing development of my professional skills.